Monday, February 27, 2006

My Celebrity Status

Yup - I'm now a local celebrity. The Rocky Mountain News did a feature on the president of my company and my picture (with my name in the caption) was part of the article. I'd love to say more and once again, I don't want to get fired for my blog...

And it's back to Monday...
This weekend was good and hard all at the same time. I worked a lot (ick), got tweaked a bunch, and in the tweaked messiness I had a couple of incredibly important, good, hard conversations with a couple of people who mean so much to me. And in the midst of it I realized how far I've come and how growth and transformation is a lifelong process. (read - I also realized how far I have to go.)

More on that I have to get to work. (oh - and by the way it's supposed to be in the 70s today and tomorrow...I LOVE Denver!)

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