Sunday, February 05, 2006

Been sick

So I've been sick and away from the computer for the last few days...I'm feeling better now - ready to eat up at a super bowl party this afternoon.

Even though I've been pretty lazy - others have been busy and there's now tons of information about the April Radius Community Intensive (CI) up on the Radius website. I've been to two CI's now and both of them have been incredible weekends where I've been able to see places where God wants to meet me and grow me, where I've learned more than I imagined I could in one weekend, and where I've experienced beautiful moments of community and what it may have been meant to be. I would love to see all your faces there, but alas...there's only room for 80 registrants. So - register now before there's no room left at the inn. Go here for all the information you could ever want about the CI.

Oh - and feel free to post a comment or email me directly if you have any questions about Radius or the CI. I would love to talk to you more about it.

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