Sunday, October 29, 2006

I Take it Back

I've been complaining about having to work this afternoon. I had to go to the Bronco's game to schmooze for work. It was a Sunday afternoon, and I didn't want to work - that was pretty much all I was thinking about. And it was so much fun! The company has a box suite and there was food and drinks and it was like you could touch the field. I'm sure if I ever get to go to see the Bronco's again I'll be sitting in the top row of the stadium somewhere! So I take it back. I went to my first NFL game in style. And for that I am thankful! I do still want comp time though. It was still Sunday afternoon :)


Joel Swagman said...

Ah, the Denver Broncos. If only Dace had been there!

Maria said...

OMG! I laughed outloud when I read this comment! There's someone I hadn't thought of a in a long time...any idea what he's up to?

Joel Swagman said...

I hear through the grapevine he's out near Detroit doing some job. But I haven't seen him since Calvin.

Viv M. said...

I know what you mean... My first NFL game was a Broncos game through Sharon's compnay - of course the company box... I don't know if I'll be able to sit at the stands ever...

Maria said...

Yeah - I think I heard he had moved over to Detroit too. Haven't seen him since Calvin either.

And after doing anything with Sharon's company the rest is ruined. I mean - think about the break room.