Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Discovering Pop Culture

So this weekend I was driving a friend's car. And it was ghetto. Part of the ghetto was that the stereo only works when a tape is in the tape player. Yup - tape. I shouldn't be soo surprised by this though, my car doesn't have a CD player either. Anyway - there was not a wide selection of tapes in the car. So I was listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival over and over and over again. And I started to wonder if I was just hearing the lyrics wrong or if they were probably just high. But they ARE saying "Tambourine's and Elephants are playing in the band."

And I laugh at myself every time I have these little realizations. All pop culture before about 1995 I have absolutely no idea about. I just wasn't exposed to too much pop culture before that. So on the one hand I get so excited when I discover things like this - it's brand new and fun. And other times I get totally frustrated because it seems as though I'm always playing catch up. So I'm sure I'll continue to find joy and fun in the old. Cause it's new to me.


Joel Swagman said...

You know, for some reason I never thought about that lyric before. That is strange. Are the Tambourines being played by the elephants maybe?

Anonymous said...

The whole song is pretty surreal. Check out the lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/c/creedence+clearwater+revival/lookin+out+my+back+door_20034312.html

Viv M. said...

wherever you go...
whatever you do...
I'll be right here waiting for you...
whatever it takes...
or have my heart break...
I will be right here waiting for you...

ps - don't forget John Denver