Saturday, September 16, 2006

One Unpredictable Year

One year ago today Sheralee and I left our hotel room in Omaha, Nebraska for the second day of cross country driving and ended our trip here in Denver. I remember in the weeks after arriving some friends telling me that in a year I probably wouldn't recognize the person I'd become. And I think that's true - although not exactly in the way they or I understood. The past year has been the hardest I can remember and the things that have happened could not have been anticipated by anyone. And yet as I sit here thinking back this morning I don't think I would have made a different choice had I known the struggles of the past year. It would have been a much harder decision certainly - and one I'm not positive I would have changed.

So in a New Years of sorts here are some toasts to the next year:
Here's to increasing amounts of freedom
Here's to more nights on the porch
Here's to finding Jesus
Here's to more depth of friendship
Here's to Love
Here's to a job that lasts more than 6 months
Here's to life

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