Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I Ain't Sayin She a Gold Digger

Thanks Luke for the smile this brought to my face at the end of an emotionally hard day yesterday!

So it turns out that in a low moment yesterday I realized it's possible I just want to be taken care of. That I'm tired of earning everything - that perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to live in the 1950s. That I think I could clean, cook and watch after kids in return for a home, food and some lovin'. That perhaps I don't fit in the 9-5 world. Which would be a fine realization except that the salaries for doing something I might actually like won't pay my rent. So I'm thinking I'll expand my job search to include 'Gold digger'. Do you think there's a category for that on monster?


Joel Swagman said...

I'd be interested in the results if you did try monster

Viv M. said...

I ain't sayin' she's a golddigga'
but she ain't hangin' with no broke...

I love it!

Christy said...

Ah- I feel the same way. To be just livin- not doin everything just to get to the next thing. Ugh- it's like a chore! Live it up! You will find the best thing.