Friday, September 15, 2006

Breaking My Rules

Well I'm breaking my own rules of life by posting on the blog while at work. I'm here all by myself today and it's so damn hard to concentrate and be motivated since I don't really like what I do. It scares me a bit because I've been looking at a few other jobs with a small staff and I wonder if it's me that's lazy or if I really could get some work done on my own. And I've come to the conclusion that it's probably a bit of both. That with the right motivation I could get some work done in a small office - and I currently don't have that fire lit under me.

I also wish that I had a camera with me here today. From our offices the mountains actually look purple! I've never seen them like this before and it is beautiful!


Viv M. said...

nice blog - go home!

Maria said...

if we had a real phone system where i could have the calls forwarded to me cell i totally would.

alas - phones from 1973.

Anonymous said...

Maria, sorry to hear about your boring day at work. I've been having trouble posting comments on your blog recently. due to the switch over to Beta perhaps? Joel

Maria said...

I did switch over to beta and the way I understand it is that you can still you did...just not with the non-beta Blogger identity. Having fun playing around with the new functionalities...

Anonymous said...

Well, as you can see I can still comment anonymously, but I'm not having a lot of luck signing in under my blogger identity. Perhaps its just this computer. At any rate, its not the end of the world.

I am curious however what the advantages of Beta Blogger are. I saw the new option in blogger, but couldn't figure out what the difference is. Are there a lot of cool things you can do in Beta?

Maria said...

I like blogger beta because it's easier to change the layout and there are additional functions like adding tags and other things I don't really understand yet. I'm not ready to shout from the rooftops how awesome it is, and I am having fun with it...