Tuesday, August 29, 2006

At a Loss

I'd like to post. I'd like to have a story to tell you. And in this moment I don't have anything that I'm ready to send into cyberspace - it's still running around inside my head and my heart. Trying to find words. And for my sake, more than yours, I would like to find those words. Stay tuned.


Christy said...

I want to call you but at this moment I don't have a voice (in the litteral sense). Love you- hang in there! It's all part of the journey-- unfortunatly .


Viv M. said...

believe me, as much as i would love to hear what you have to say and are experiencing, I'd rather you find your voice for your sake than that of your "readers" :-)

Thursday said...

Just saying "Hi" back, Maria. Partly because your picture looked familiar--I'm sure we passed each other in the ol' Calvin hallways a time or twelve. Possibly had classes together. And, speaking of irony (as you did in your comment), I'll be visiting a Calvin friend in Denver this weekend. So that person staring really COULD be me.

I hope this isn't too flippant of a comment to leave on this not-at-all-flippant post.

*awkward pause*

Bye, friend of a friend of a friend of a...oh, I've lost track. I hope you find your words...or maybe that they find you.


Christy said...

m- call me at your lunch if you get a chance. I will be around then- just not sure what time that is for you.
