Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I've begun to not be able to sleep through the night again. And the sleep I'm getting is very light - at least it feels that way. I'm convinced that this is a sign that there's something festering down in my core somewhere. And I would like to find it. And the fact that it doesn't work that way, that I have to wait until it's ready to come up irritates me. It's like the moments before you have to throw up - you know it's not going to be pleasant (understatement) and at the same time you know it's gonna help you feel better in the long run.

My gut is that it has something to do with a feeling of isolation. Not necessarily personal - I've been beautifully connected lately - it's more global. That my world here - even after nearly a year is still quite small. And I think there may be some anticipation of going to GR in there too - positive and negative. And it could be something 100% different than all of this. Who the hell knows?

1 comment:

JPhillips said...

Hi Maria -
I so rarely enter Blogworld that since I stopped by I wanted to say "HI" and that I resonate with that in the gut feeling you are writing about... that "something is going on in me, but I don't yet know what it is" feeling...