Wednesday, August 09, 2006

5000 hits!

I believe the 5000 hit mark will be reached today! As I write this post there have been 4997 hits on my blog in it's first 6 months or so and I'm happy!

I think this blog is helping me find my voice. Not only in an attempt to describe what's happening here for all you who want to check up on me, but also more globally. As I choose to articulate my voice, I'm heard, engaged and although it may sound trite, more alive. And for this I am deeply grateful. Because in that lies about my worth are dying. And dying hard.

So brace're gonna be hearing from me :) And I promise in the very near future that will include stories about things that are actually going on. Instead of the dialogue that's in my head. Because I've been having fun - and I'd love for you to hear about it. And there's been pain - although I'm not sure I'll post about that directly.

Here's to 5000!


Christy said...

woooo whooo! Yea- everyone wants to read your stuff. :) I wish I could see you this weekend... we will be crazed in boxes! I love you though and want to talk to you soon!


Joel Swagman said...

As someone who has caught the blogging bug myself, I agree that it is nice to feel you have some sort of voice or outlet. It feels very empowering.
(Although sometimes I do shudder to think how much time I've spent blogging over the last 3 years)

Viv M. said...

woohoo!!! give it up for 5000!

Christy said...

um- hello--- joel swagman just posted on your site!! Crazy calvin folks!