Thursday, March 16, 2006

On Being Full Present

I am upset with myself today. On a number of occasions this week I've felt the urge to call my friend Christy who lives in Michigan. I never did. Now I wish I had.

Somewhere in the past let's say three years in my life at Mars Hill, Rob gave a teaching about living fully present - part of the teaching went a little like this - sometimes those little voices in our heads aren't our own. That part of living life fully present (and I would add alive or aware) is to listen to those voices, discover what's true and go for it. That's when we experience life to it's fullest - the abundant life if you will. I think there will certainly be a cost or pain involved in this, and in this moment, I'm willing to take that risk. I don't remember if the teaching touched on that - it could be my little addition ;)

Here's to living the full life!

1 comment:

Christy said...

i love you girl-- and no worries about not calling-- I have been incagnito.

I love you though and will talk to you soon.

That rob message is one of my favs. It didn't touch on that but i like your addition!!