Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wow - 10,000!

I know I've posted a lot of snow pictures on the blog this winter - I'm sure you're as sick of looking at them as I am of being in the snow. I took this one on Saturday morning though - and I really like it. The old fire escape and old building juxtaposed with the more modern cash register building. It's a pretty view from my window. There are more pictures from January if you click the My Pictures link to the right. Mostly of birthdays celebrated this month.

I've written enough sappy year in review posts in the last month and I can not do it again. However - I hit 10,000 hits on the blog somewhere in the past couple of days and I think that's pretty darn cool! I'm sure 8,000 of them are me using my blog to link to friend's blogs - and seeing that 10,000 is fun nonetheless. I am so curious about the people reading this blog. I get the craziest hits sometimes - what's been really interesting actually is to see what weird google searches turn up this blog. So thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here.

1 comment:

Megs said...

I love the people in foreign countries that read...I would love to know how they found our sites.