Friday, January 12, 2007


You know that it really is cold when you can count the number of degrees fahrenheit it is outside on one hand. That's what's happening here in Denver today and apparently for this entire weekend. Awesome.

And in the end I'm not really complaining all that much because it will make it easy to do nothing but relax, read, sit by the fire, talk and recover this weekend. Which is totally what I want to do and if it were going to be warm out I think I would have to make excuses to stay in.

I'm just feeling so exhausted. Last night I came home after a frustrating day, ate some dinner, watched a teeny bit of TV and then went to bed early. I tried to read a bit and fell asleep before 10 with no problems and had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. After getting 9 hours of sleep. It just doesn't seem right.

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