Monday, January 22, 2007

The Straw

The straw has been breaking the proverbial camel's back at work for me on a daily basis. I'm at a loss to figure out how to sift through the mountain of irritations to find what's real, what's perceived, what can be changed, what needs to be left to die. Every day lately I'm irritated - this morning it was in my opinion legit (too legit to quit) however there are times when simply hearing the voice of one of my coworkers is enough to send me off the edge. And that's not right. This is what I've been thinking about lately. I hope I can find a way to turn that thinking into action sometime soon.

In other news I've been completely distracted by this picture. I found it on accident while doing a project for work and I need to use it for something soon. Not sure what yet though.

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