Thursday, February 01, 2007

In the Strangest Places

I got my haircut today - don't worry, I'm not crying even though I have before over a bad haircut. That's not what I'm planning on discussing today. While I was there having my hair cut I was talking with the stylist like normal. What have you done since the last time I saw you? Anything new? How much are you sick of the snow? Pretty typical. Until for some unknown reason we started talking about religion. Mostly about how both of us were a little jaded on organized religion. Well - that's what I think and feel , she felt a lot more strongly about the futility of organized religion. It was an interesting conversation - she and i took a completely different path to get to very similar places.

It's got me thinking though. About the place I am. How long am I going to be here? In what direction am I headed? Why am I making the choices I'm making? The thing is that all the answers to those questions are in my control. It's not as though someone is controlling it. My circumstances have in many ways influenced the choices I've made to be where I am now, and yet they are not holding me here. I'm the only thing keeping me where I am. The thing is I don't know where I'm moving toward. If I'm even moving at all. And I'm thankful for the conversation tonight that's gotten me thinking again. In a healthy way.

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