Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy 200th Post!

So according to blogger this is my 200th post. I haven't gone through and counted, I'm going to take their word for it. I am however feeling some self-imposed pressure to make this a good one.

In my very first post I made some general statements about what I wanted this blog to be about including the following:
I'm hoping this blog will be a healthy place to continue to explore transformation. Plus - wierd stuff happens to me all the time, which I always love to share, so hopefully I can entertain someone out there with the bizarreness of being me.
I hope that I've entertained you with some of the bizarre things that I experience and the crazy that is living inside my head. Most of all though, I hope I've pulled you into the painful, intense, beautiful, glorious transformation that the past year has been for me. I have learned so much about how to love, how to hurt, how to become even more independent (sorry Mom), and how to lean in and on those around me more. I've learned how to search for God and Truth, I've learned so much about love and Love, and on most days my orientation toward the world is 180 degrees from where it was before I moved to Denver. I use the move as a benchmark because it's easy to pin point and the loss of almost everything familiar catapulted me headfirst into this process. In a way that I don't think living in Grand Rapids ever would have.

As much as this process has and is kicking my ass I want so much to continue on this path. The changes I see in myself I love. I truly believe I'm a better person than I was before. And this process makes me long for more - like I said a couple posts ago - the more I taste of it the more I want. Simultaneously it scares the crap out of me to say that - because transformation comes at a cost that I'm not always sure I'm willing to pay

So to every single person that has been a part of this - those of you I see, those of you I only interact with digitally, and those of you who just come and read - THANK YOU! And to the God I'm beginning to know and can not even pretend to understand - take me where you will and make me who you want and comfort me when I'm paying the costs.

Love to you all, mgd


Christy said...

I'm glad I can be a friend in this journey- that we call life. Live it up! i love you!

Joel Swagman said...

First of all congragulations on the 200th post.
I also want to comment on your post on doubt. I couldn't comment before because the comment thing has been acting funny all week with the blogger/Beta thing.
The best piece I ever read on doubt was written by Andy Schrier shortly before he died. You can read it on line here:

Viv M. said...

Congratulations on your benchmark!

I for one consider myself lucky and blessed to share in this journey with you... I've seen you grow in many ways and I can't wait to see what you'll have to say when post 400 comes around :-)