Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Love with a capital 'L'

So I've been reminded in a couple of important conversations this week (already - I know it's only Tuesday!) that ultimately it's Jesus/Trinity/God, or however you choose to encounter him/her/it and their Love that is ultimate reality. It's what I consistently want to move toward and I hope that it will continue to guide my decisions in increasing ways!

And it's deeper talks on the porch and on gmail chat and true connection - even from far away - that is bringing this into focus once again. I think all of these connections can become better only as the connection to the Love of a higher being is becoming stronger. That's a journey I plan to be on for the rest of life.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I am so glad to hear you say that! I know it doesn't fix things- but it's always a good reminder that love is the ultimate goal!

I love you!