Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rave: Sunflower Farmers Market

Sheralee has introduced me to a new grocer here in Denver: Sunflower Farmer's Market. It's in the lines of Wild Oats and Whole Foods only wayyyy cheaper and not entirely organic. What I love the most though is the produce section - it's HUGE! Everything is fresh and cheap! On Saturday I got an entire pound of Strawberries for 77 cents, and the red and orange peppers were only 88 cents each and I really could go on and on. I'm waiting for the sweet corn to go on sale - I've had a bit of sticker shock on the sweet corn here in Denver - 4 for a dollar is about as good as it gets. I remember it being much cheaper in Michigan...perhaps I'm just being nostalgic. The meats looked fresh and healthy and they too were entirely reasonable.

In any case I had a full cart of groceries and my entire bill was less than $50! The people there were extremely helpful and the bagger even reminded me that Wednesdays are double special days - the end of one set and the beginning of another so you can get specials from two weeks! Seriously a new fan of Sunflower Market.

1 comment:

Christy said...

mmm corn! where were you tonight? Ya know sprint to sprint is free! :)