Tuesday, July 03, 2007

One Thing Can Change Everything

So it's been a fairly rotten week - and yes I know it's only Tuesday noon. I was surfing the web on my lunch break and discovered that Rob Bell is coming to Denver in the fall. (http://www.godsarentangrytour.com/) When I think about the things I miss in GR the list goes something like this: Family, Burt, Fat Boy Friday, Mars Hill and Oberon. The rest of the list changes, but those 5 are staples. The hope of a taste of home in Denver 4 months from now has been a bright spot.


Christy said...

Ah--- I wish you could be there with us everyweek!


Joel Swagman said...

funny, I don't think I recognized anything in that whole list

Maria said...

i probably should have added things like meijer, and cottage bar, and yesterdog, and san chez, and bombay cuisine and lake michigan to the list. I miss them a lot too - and more people know them.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Rob Bell. That reminds me. My friends and I really have to take that field trip over to Mars Hill one of these days! Thank you for the reminder. I forget how fortunate we are to have him this close by.