Friday, September 07, 2007

It's Friday - Really?

This has been a busy week - it was a short week, even for me because I was doing fun stuff on Monday. I've sent out bunches more resumes, been on two interviews, had to appear in court on a minor traffic thing, and I still don't know what the State of Colorado is thinking about my unemployment claim.

This was the week of interviews where I really don't have a good sense of how I did. I'm usually pretty good at reading people, however, I could not get a sense at all from any of the people I interviewed with this week of what they may be thinking. It's a bit aggravating because then I really don't have any idea what to expect when I hear from them next. Both of the positions are interesting, although at the moment I'm not over the top about either one. I know I could do a good job in each position there are just a couple of things about each that are giving me second thoughts. That said - I would accept another interview from either organization and would seriously consider an offer from either.

Emotionally I've felt much better this week and I think there are a lot of reasons for that, one of which is feeling slightly less stressed about paying for things and another of which is that I've been exercising more. There are a couple other things playing in as well - I just know that it has felt good to let go of a bit of the stress.

So - here's to another good weekend and another hopeful week. I take anything I can get at the moment.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Horray for good weeks!! I think that a lack of self confidence in finding a great new job makes your ablibty to read people after an interview difficult. Best of luck. love you!