Monday, September 17, 2007

Happy Anniversary?

Two years ago I arrived in Denver excited, scared and in tears. While my experience of the next two years would prove to be almost nothing like I thought it would be I don't know that I've ever lost that feeling of terror mixed with hope and held together with a bit of tears.

Sitting now in another world of change I find myself a much different girl. I like much of the person I am today and while I don't like to limit possibility I don't believe I'd have become me had I stayed where I was.

I thought perhaps I'd have more to say about the last two years of change, and yet in this moment I don't. Thanks for sticking with this blog for almost all of that two years.


Viv M. said...

wait, what? 2 year anniversary? congratulations!!!

Christy said...


Maria said...

Thanks friends :)