Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Job Hunting is Hard

Do you ever wonder if maybe you just don't know how to be content? I do. I really didn't like my last job. Almost every night I would think, or say to the person I was with "I wish we didn't have to go to work tomorrow. Then we could just stay up and watch movies and sleep in." The thing about working though is that you end up getting a paycheck for the time that you spend working. Turns out now that I don't have a job I like the idea of a paycheck much better than the idea of staying up late and sleeping in.

There's certainly a silver lining. I'm heading on a work trip with Sheralee this afternoon and I can get up whenever I feel like it in the morning. I can lounge around in my underwear until I feel like hopping in the shower and I can do laundry during the day when there's not as much demand for the machines. I've had a chance to read blogs that are of interest to me and I have all day and night to look for and apply for a job that I have a chance of liking.

Still - If I'm honest I'd really like a flexible schedule AND a large paycheck. Hmm - don't think that's possible though. If anyone has any leads on a job in Denver please pass them my way!

1 comment:

Viv M. said...

sensible shoes, my friend, sensible shoes... do the research ;)