Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long Weekend

I had no idea how much I needed a long weekend. That stretch from New Year's Day to Memorial Day with no work holidays is a long stretch! Now it's only a month before there's another work holiday. Plus my family is coming in June. Yay!

After enjoying happy hour on Friday night perhaps a bit too much Sheralee and I headed off for some camping on Saturday morning. We tried to get a site at a park near Morrison, but they were full. The woman there sent us to Chief Hosa campground near Evergreen. We had a good time there even though we couldn't make a fire - we grilled a beautiful dinner of chicken veggies and potatoes, walked around, Luke came to visit and we even cooked eggs on the grill in the morning. We had purchased a couple fire starter logs to have a "fire" however - the crazy camp lady was watching us like a hawk and though we started one of them we smothered it out because it wasn't enjoyable because we were too paranoid. We were certainly the hoes of Chief Ho-sa campground though - we tried to lay out in between cloud covers and had girly magazines and no kids.

Sunday we went to the "beach" at the park where we had tried to camp first and then went out later because Vivian had a guest in town and yesterday was spent doing crazy errands instead of sitting at the Congress Park pool - which doesn't open until this weekend.

All in all it was fantastic to have a long weekend and I'm so glad that this is now a 4 day week!

1 comment:

Viv M. said...

can we get another long weekend again? please?!?!? July 4th doesn't count, it's on a wednesday.