Monday, May 14, 2007

I'm In

Logistically this was the easiest move ever! I feel like a broken record when I say it, and it's true, I don't have a lot of stuff so 6 people and a little less than 2 hours got everything moved from old apartment to new apartment. The settling in is going to take a bit longer - I'm excited to paint, and at the same time I need to put some shelves up in the kitchen and the bathroom, so I want to paint soon to be able to start hanging stuff on the walls. (Wow I have some weird train of thought going on there.)

It's going to take a while to get used to living in a studio. I don't love having everything in the same room, and there's something about living in such a small space that feels a bit like failure. Like if I could just get a better paying job and take better care of my finances I could have a bigger place, like a grown-up. I keep trying to convince myself that it's okay and that it will still be comfortable to have people over. That convincing is not going too well. Hopefully time and experience will be helpful. After all, it has been two nights, and for me those two nights would have been hard even in the biggest of mansions because I'm just not very good at change. 4 blocks is a lot closer than 4 states though, so I'm hopeful adjusting this time around is going to be easier than the last.

1 comment:

Joel Swagman said...

congrats on the move. I probably won't make it to the house warming party, so I'll just pass on my congragulations instead