Wednesday, May 16, 2007


So the following things are making me laugh today:

1 - Missed Connections on craigslist:

You Dropped Your Bible and I Saw Your Thong - m4w - 30
I was walking down the sidewalk and you, a very good looking woman from the backside, dropped what appeared to be the Holy Bible, bent to pick it up, and through no fault of my own, I saw your thong...and wow. I know Jesus spent some time with Mary Magdalene, and likely she wore next to nothing under those sack cloths, but I have to admit, your short skirt and fluorescent pink thong were way sexier, and made me want to get to "know" you, in the Biblical sense, of course. I'm not Christian, but if we can stick to the basic 10 Commandments and leave the Pope out of it, I think we'll be ok. Oh, by the way, I was the very tall, tan, curly-haired, non-Christian gentleman walking behind you.

2 - Text message from Vivian: I D K, my BFF Jill...

3 - I've learned that there are 22 phones in the house Vivian grew up in, and they all have different rings. One day (very soon...) I'll get to hear them with my very own ears!


Joel Swagman said...

22 phones? I assume there's a good reason for that.

Maria said...

I'm not so sure there is. Vivi?

Viv M. said...

well, glad you asked...

My dad is a doctor. Growing up before the call-waiting era and two pre-teens in the house that used the phone as a permanent fixture on their ears, my parents decided it would be best for all to have two land lines - one for his work and one for the girls to go crazy...

The installation of the second land-line followed suit to the first one - one phone per area of the house... so when it rings you don't have to go searching for it... you would think they would've just settled with a cordless of each upstairs and downstairs.

Then the call-waiting technology arrived... You would think they would take on of the land lines down... but they didn't. 20 years later, they are all there...

Here's the breakdown for your enjoyment:

Kitchen - 1
living area - 3 (one each landline and an old cordless that they refuse to throw away, but it still there)
fancy living room - 1
downstairs bedroom - 2
my former room - 2
my sister's former room - 2
library - 2
my parents' bedroom - 2
my parents' bathroom (you read right) - 2
upstairs rec area - 2
pool area - 2 (they are hookups, but they are there)

Grand total: 21

Ok, so I missed the number by 1... but you also have to take into consideration both of my parents have cell phones...

Mother of all totals: 23

Maria said...

thank you vbt!