Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I confess

Coming back from vacation has been hard. And it doesn't help that I don't really like my job to begin with. Yesterday I was so bored with what I was doing and so angry with what was going down in the office that I was rewriting the songs you sing in third grade about school and your teachers to be about work.

For instance, remember this one?

Deck the halls with gasoline - Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Light a match and watch it gleam - Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Watch the school burn down to ashes - Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Aren't you glad you played with matches - Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la

Use your imagination - it's not that hard to change it to be office specific. There's also Joy to the World and Jingle Bells that easily change. Plus - I was remembering a song about On top of Spaghetti - that one really doesn't adapt easily. Perhaps I can do something with it today.

For the record - my resume is now updated and my references have been contacted. Here's to a new job!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Praying for you girl-- Hope we can talk tonight. :) Love you!!!