Friday, April 21, 2006

How to save a life

I heard this song by The Fray on my drive (yes I drove) into work today. Before I talk about what I thought I would like to apologize to The Fray and all other bands for my regular practice of pulling my own interpretations from songs that perhaps look nothing like the message the band/songwriter originally intended to send.

The song I think is about a break-up - perhaps a regretted break up. The chorus goes like this:

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

The song never really turns hopeful - it just looks back. As I was sitting listening to the song I wondered if we ever learn how to save a life. Ours. Our friends. Our neighbors. I truly believe that we were created to be salvific (hooray for my new favorite word) agents in each others' lives. I hope to learn more and more how this looks and what it feels like. It just feels so far away.

PS - Please don't post about how God saves. Thank you.


Amber Lynn said...

That song is my default ringtone right now. I love it.

No, it's not too hopeful, but it's a beautiful song.

Anonymous said...

and why not talk about how God saves? If we're not living saved, redeemed, renewed lives, there's no way you can pass it on, or be "salvific" to anyone else. We must not pass on "empty" salvation, or "useless" salvation. Yes! only God can truely renew, restore, and help us begin again! There's no way you can leave him out of the picture. I'm not sure the answer is found simply in secular lyrics. However, God does use them. Perhaps to point us to His lyrics. We've got to keep our noses in His word! Love you