Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm not usually one for the online quizzes - and I saw this one on another bloc and couldn't resist. Also - one day soon I'll try the ruhot quiz that's always advertised in my gmail inbox. I know I'm hot - and I'll let you know what the quiz thinks.

You Are Heineken

You appreciate a good beer, but you're not a snob about it.
You like your beer mild and easy to drink, so you can concentrate on being drunk.
Overall, you're a friendly drunk who's likely to buy a whole round for your friends... many times.
Sometimes you can be a bit boring when you drink. You may be prone to go on about topics no one cares about.


Viv M. said...

it said i'm bud light!! i don't agree!!

Anonymous said...

Sara actually,

I'm Heineken too - imagine that!