Monday, April 17, 2006

And the search is on

Wow - it's been 10 days since I've been at work and a lovely 10 days at that! First Burt and Tim came to town (in rain of course after we'd been talking about sun for 6 months) and we went up to Estes Park for the Radius Community Intensive. I was so sad to see them go - can't wait until the next time I get to see them.

Then Joy and my mom came to visit. We shopped like we've never shopped before, sat in some natural hot springs in the mountains, saw a Rockies game and I think I drove to the airport almost every day! Joy got to go to Target, which she's been asking about for 2 months now since she booked her flight.

And I loved having them here...I was sad for part of the time which feels unfair to them, and it was just the way things were. And as much as I love them, it is nice as well to have my space back.

And now that I'm back in my own rhythm - the job search is on! I am almost done with my resume and once it's done it's going all over the beautiful city of Denver. Can't wait to see what happens.


Viv M. said...

thanks for allowing me to be part of your vacation week extravaganza! love you!!!

Maria said...

so glad you could join us!