Monday, May 08, 2006

First Day

So the first day was random. I started by reading through the phone manual - yes - that's the truth. Everything except the computer in the office is from 1970 including the phone and it is crazy - completely crazy. And it just kept being random of more reading reading and reviewing something else. I'm just so used to being tossed into doing something that it nearly drove me crazy. I'm sure it didn't hurt that I got perhaps 3 hours of sleep last night and so every time I was left to read I had to fight to stay awake and even when the guys were talking I had to fight to concentrate.

And after it all they still want me to come back tomorrow. Hooray!

1 comment:

Christy said...

wooo whoo! congrats on a great first day (even if you read a phone manual) Yep that's random!
