Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cabbage Soup

Yesterday I started the week-long Cabbage Soup diet with Sheralee. If you're not familiar with this specific diet it goes basically like this - every day you eat as much cabbage soup as you'd like and each day has other assigned foods. For instance today I can eat as many vegetables and
cabbage soup as I want. Yesterday it was fruit. So far I feel okay - although I'm not feeling the pounds roll off...maybe I should wait more than one day to feel that though. However - it was not pleasant to eat cauliflower for breakfast today.

I'm curious though if a side effect of the diet is strange dreams. I've had some weird ones the past couple of nights and I'm hoping to blame it on the diet. Yesterdays made a bit of sense but I can't quite remember the ones from last night - I just know they were strange and long and drawn out.


Christy said...

I didn't eat cabbage (which is just supposed to make you poop lots)- but I did have super crazy dreams last night!

Shanna said...

you know the only way to lose weight healthy and effectivly is to exericse and eat healthy. its not just gonna fall off with cabbage soup...but enjoy the diet!!!

Christy said...

how is the cabbage soup? I would call you but I don't have a voice :(