Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cabbage Soup - Done

Well the week of cabbage soup is over! It went well and while I'm not 100% sure how much I've lost, I do know that all my clothes are fitting better and I'm using one smaller notch on my belt. The soup itself wasn't bad until day 5 and then eating the soup for those last few days was almost torture! Last night was a friend's birthday dinner and all week I was so looking forward to ordering off the menu but when we got there I really wasn't even hungry and ate about half of my meal. It was great!

I felt a lot better during the diet than I had felt before so now I'm even more motivated to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and less in general! Don't know if that will last through Thanksgiving - but we'll see :)

1 comment:

Christy said...

r u staying in denver for turkey day!? Are you coming home at xmas!? We aren't going to NC now-- long story. Sooo I will be here awaiting my opp to see you!!