Monday, December 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

A belated Merry Christmas to whoever is still reading this blog! I saw this morning that I haven't posted in about two weeks - it's been a busy two weeks!

After Mia's party, when I started my dress on fire, I finished out the week with a couple more parties and on Saturday morning headed out to the cold cold Midwest. I had a great Christmas with my family - we spent part of a week at my sister's house in small-town Illinois and part of the week at my parent's house in Grand Rapids. I was happy to spend time with my family and to be able to connect with some great friends!

Right now the memory of it all is a bit of a blur. For those of you following my family traditions - my Grandma got the black coal for being pulled over by the police for speeding and for crashing a full dinner table onto the ground. I'm not sure of the entire story, I'm just glad it was worse than starting a favorite dress on fire. I was certainly in the running for that little snafu.

I hope that you had a wonderful holiday.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I forgot to ask about the black coal! LOL-- Grandma. How did she take a full dinner table to the ground? That does take talent. It was great to see you!