Thursday, June 26, 2008

Personal Observations

I've had the rare calm to step outside myself and observe. I have made the following three observations in the last 12 hours or so. I don't know what it means, just that it is.

1 - I like to think that I'm flexible, and generally I think that I am. However, I think I have the freedom to be flexible because I'm generally around people who think similarly to me. So the things they may choose are more likely to be in the realm of things I like. When I'm with people who's interests aren't as close to mine, then it's much harder to be flexible. I'm sure this is true for a lot of people, I was just struck by it this week.

2 - I tend to be a pretty cuddly person, but only when I've invited someone into my bubble. If I haven't invited someone it bothers me A LOT when they step in very close. Especially if they're chewing gum or smell like stale cigarette smoke (and yes - there are two specific people I'm referencing).

3 - Sometimes it takes sitting with someone from Michigan to remind me the reasons that I didn't feel like I fit there, and I do feel like (on certain levels) I fit here. Things like being in a diverse city (even though I feel like Denver's pretty white) that has tons of opportunities for creativity if I would just open my eyes to them.

I'm sure there's a lot more to observe, here's to having the space to see it in myself.


shannagrigoletti said...

hahah sorry i chew with my mouth open!!! :)

Maria said...

sure you do, but i was TOTALLY not referring to you! and for the record none of the people i'm referencing here even know about this blog.