Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lost Opportunity!

There is tons and tons of hype in Denver right now about the Democratic National Convention starting officially on Monday, but as I understand it with festivities starting as early as Saturday. Our building is going on lock-down - you have to have an access card to get into the elevators, there are extra guards checking who goes into the parking garage and many people are lobbying for our office to be closed or on barebones staff. My opinion is that this is going to turn out like Y2K - tons of hype, no real problems. I'm feel strongly enough about this to put it on my blog, and I'll eat my words if I'm wrong. (Keep in mind that I don't drive, and I think closed roads and congestion are what people are most concerned about.)

I am excited about many things for the DNC - there are bunches of activities going on downtown next week and since I love hustle and bustle I think I'm going to like having a full city. My biggest excitement though has just been given a big giant buzz kill. Flava Flav is no longer scheduled to perform a free concert next week (article here). I was counting on that to as my chance to be (as Vivian put it) the next New York, or Pumpkin or whatever fake name the Flav would have given me. I've totally lost my chance to be MTV's newest slut and I'm devestated. Crying at my desk. Guess I'll have to hook up with some other celebrity - I hear bunches of them are coming to town.

My next best chance at fame? The buzz is that Obama is staying in the Westin right next door to our building. Now occasionally I have the misfortune of looking out the window while working in my boss' office to catch some unknowing person in their birthday suit. Now I'm not saying I want to catch a glimpse of the nominee in his skivies, or that I'm going to be sitting in her window with binoculars, but it sure would be a funny story.

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