Thursday, May 22, 2008


I'm not terribly fierce all the time (I mean I could never take on Tyra) but my rude anonymous commenter is gone. And don't go trying to find the comment - I've taken it down.

I realize that I haven't posted an update in a while. I think a lot of the reason is that I just feel like there's not a lot going on in my life. I have a friend who assures me that I'm trying things and not finding what I'm looking for and her words encourage me to keep trying to find my own little corner of the world. In the next couple of months I'll be trying some new classes and some activities that will put me back in creative situations. I know that I feel most alive when I'm being creative, or when I'm spending time with creative people, and it's becoming more clear to me that part of me dies when I abandon creativity. I'm hopeful that I have the courage to keep trying new things.

In other news I'm excited to take a trip to the middle of nowhere to visit my sister's house and spend time with my family and meet my new little niece. I haven't been out of town in a good long while and so I'm hoping that a little break will be good - it almost always is. Plus I get to see Beth and Luke which will be great.

So - here's to a break and to jumping back into the creative world. I think it's going to be a great summer!

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