Today's lesson boys and girls is to skip yoga if you're feeling gassy to begin with.
I ate a lot of candy at work today. It tasted great, and my finicky digestive system was busy screaming at me by the time I was walking home from work. I chose to go to the last of my yoga basics classes - I enjoy them, I like the idea of taking these four classes in weekly installments as they're intended, and since I've heard a few farting-at-yoga-class stories, I thought maybe it would help clear me up. Ha. I didn't fart in class. However - all that moving around and stretching and "it's even good for your organs" has got me all mixed up inside. I honestly feel like I could fart out of my ears. Do you think that would get me in some sort of record book?
I'm still hoping that the yoga got the digestive crazy moving more quickly than it normally would, but only time will tell. I promise I won't keep you updated.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lesson Learned
Posted by
8:23 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
I hope you had a beautiful holiday. I went to a service this morning and then enjoyed a beautiful brunch of mussels and frites and a little salad with a couple friends. Not your traditional ham, and I still ate too much :)
Posted by
6:38 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patty's Day!
I only had one beer and it wasn't even green. However - there was a real live Irish band in a tent and more people wearing green in one room than I've ever seen. I heart holidays! Now it's off to yoga. What a random day.
Posted by
5:46 PM
Isn't she pretty! I'm selling this beauty for the bargain price of $2,000.00, but if you're interested you better hurry. On Saturday I finally took the car through the car wash, put the for sale signs in the window, took pictures and posted them on craigslist. I haven't had any response to my craigslist ad yet, however, one of my neighbors has expressed strong interest and is getting back with me today to let me know if he could come up with the money or not. So - who knows - by this time next week I may be carless :)
In other news - my birth date has been updated with the insurance company so I'm good there. Sweet.
Posted by
8:03 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Rant: Health Care
Okay - so somehow my birthdate is listed wrong in my account for all my new healthcare. This means that if I call with a question, or in my case today, to have a prescription filled, I keep getting told that since I can' t verify my birthdate, by law none of the details of my account can be discussed with me. I've known about this for at least a week, and I've asked my contact at the company to have it updated in the systems - and it doesn't really matter what I say, I can't seem to convey that I can't get medical service until this is taken care of. I'm paying for a service that's unavailable to me.
Today the lady on the phone went as far as to tell me about people's wallets being stolen and prescriptions being purchased with stolen insurance cards. Fine. Oh wait. My birthdate is listed on my drivers license, so if my wallet were stolen someone would have my birthdate as well as my insurance card. Such a great law.
This is a service that I'm paying for - but it seems like I have no say in the whole works. I wonder if it really does save me money to get my insurance through my employer or, if I would be better off to take the payout from the company and invest in my own insurance that I made the desicions for, that the insurance company would be able to change my birthdate if I told it to, and that I wouldn't have to talk to someone who had to talk to someone who had to talk to someone to get a small change that affects me directly made.
Admittedly this is not a life or death prescription - but it could be. What if I needed my insulin, or heart medication, or any number of vital prescriptions? I would be in a life or death situation right now - instead of a it'll be a couple of weeks before I'm healthy situation.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Friday, March 07, 2008
Self Denial
I was fascinated last weekend by a show on NPR. I thought for a while that I was listening to This American Life, but as it turns out I was actually listing to a show called Radiolab. It was all about lying - why we do it, what makes some people lie more than others, how to spot a liar and (what I found most fascinating) the segment on self denial, the act of lying to yourself.
One of the conclusions that one of the studies on self denial came to was that people who lie to themselves were more successful and happier than people who didn't. That perhaps self denial was part of a healthy coping mechanism. I typically try to live an authentic life and be open and honest about what I think and what I experience. This week however I've been thinking that perhaps a healthy dose of self denial could do me good. And by healthy I don't mean big, I mean healthy.
You can click here to link to the website for this particular episode of the show.
Posted by
3:31 PM
What's in a Name?
I really hate being called toots, tootsie and being referred to as a gal in a professional setting. It's demeaning and makes me want to scream. Also makes me want to retaliate by calling certain people grams, and ma'am.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
I've been pondering a question today. Is it possible to want something so much that you actually prevent it from happening?
I think it is possible - mostly because my experience is that when I relax things fall into place and when I try and force something into existence it falls apart. That said - I'm really bad at relaxing when I really want something and so I think I cause myself more trouble.
Posted by
10:05 AM
Monday, March 03, 2008
Gimme a Huh?
Posted by
8:43 AM